Writing simple Publisher-Subscriber in Golang using ChannelChannel is one of the most tremendous features in Golang, it can be used as a handy tool for doing a concurrency job when implementing a…Apr 26, 2024Apr 26, 2024
Let’s try the SOLID Principle in GolangWriting code can be challenging, especially dealing with the principle of the code. cause there are a lot of principles that we should use…Aug 22, 2023Aug 22, 2023
Recently, I tried to use SAGA Pattern on Microservices architectureLast Day, I tried to make simple microservices app, this app is actually a small project that I build for me to deploy into a cloud…Nov 1, 20211Nov 1, 20211
Pengalaman mengerjakan skripsi selama kuliah - membuat sistem rekomendasi mengunakan NodeJSAkir tahun 2019, proposal skripsi saya di-acc oleh dosen saya, dan saya akhirnya mengikuti seminar proposal. waktu itu seneng banget lho…Sep 10, 2021Sep 10, 2021
How I implement Clean Code Architecture on Golang projectsIt’s a long time since the last article that I published because I have many tasks from my current company. so I can’t write a new article.Aug 17, 20219Aug 17, 20219
Containerizing — How to make your mongodb database as docker containerHello guys, Last night I got the problem when I want to fixing the bug for my project with my friend by the way the project is build an…Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
Containerizing — Installing mysql database on DockerRecently I’ve got the problem when I tried to migrating to microservice on my job. I cannot to trying the apps that I want to migrate to…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Learning Golang “Create simple API using Fiber”Hello this is my second article that I’ve written using english. and I’m still learning my grammar so it’s so excited to using english…Dec 26, 2020Dec 26, 2020
How to add ssh key to gitlab accountsToday I’ll show you how to add SSH keys to your Gitlab accountDec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020
Implementasi Tree di Golang (dalam kasus ini adalah aplikasi MLM)di minggu pagi yang cerah ini saya pengen nulis. dengan saya menulis saya harapkan apa yang sudah saya kerjakan bisa saya baca besok —…Sep 20, 2020Sep 20, 2020